N'Kara Shaihl
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.
A stoic visionary the focused and calculating young woman has thrown off the shroud of idealist hope in favor of a cold, dark view of the world. To live is to suffer, to survive takes strength, to thrive you must be merciless.Basics
Age Early 20s
Race Miqo'te, Seeker
Tribe Aldgoat
Build Average, Lean
Orientation Hetero
Personality Kuudere, The Cold Introvert
Status Single, Not LookingPersonal
Profession Alchemist & Arcanist
Hobbies Research and Development, Animal Training
Residence Black Coeurl Apothecary Apartment in the Mists
Scars & Markings
- A scar runs over her left eye and another over her mouth.
- Three thick red, cauterized gashes from claw marks on the right side of her face
- A thick scar tissue along her throat, mangled and damaged vocal cords
- Burn scars down her left side from her shoulder to hip
- Three deep indentations on her chest from a trident
- Several knife wounds and other assorted pockmarks

The Chef
Long before Kara was an alchemist, before she ever picked up her first tome to study magic - she was a cook. Classically trained in Wineport before a tragic kitchen accident that left her horribly burned she now exercises her talent to fix meals for her tribe or as the demanding chef of Apocrypha's auction house events.
Will cater or bartend for your event!
The Alchemist
In order to fund her personal research, Kara has turned to running an Apothecary to serve those who are in need of potables, poisons and enchanted artifacts. While you can visit the Black Coeurl Apothecary to shop she can also be approached for specific projects. She also dabbles in the creation of strange alchemical drugs for the savvy dealer who needs a supplier for something beyond the average fare.

The Scholar & Magical Mischief
The true purpose and motivation of Kara is deeply embeded in the magical arts. Following the tradition of her elder sister she began to study to become an Arcanist. Magic is the ultimate power to make the meek mighty and render fear unto her enemies and those of her tribe. Her personal research and project has been into furthering her knowledge of golems and transmogrification. She dreams of one day being able to unlock the secrets of the Chimera. *Is always interested in learning more from other mages. *
The Psycopath
I will buy the discards of society. Be it the unused parts of the deceased in decent condition or a living specimen that is no longer considered valuable by society.
Kara performs countless experiments to further her work and that requires subjects. The fastest way to efficient results is through direct trials. With animals holding a greater appeal to her than people, she sees convicted criminals as a waste product put to better use by helping her further serve her tribe and the world with her discoveries. Who cares how the murderer screams if it can create better cures for good, honest folk.

Black Coeurl Apothecary
Kara through the Ages
Aldgoat House
Para / Mirror I love detail and description. I view role-play as an opportunity to write collaboratively. Though I will reflect my partner in the amount I write in a single post to keep everyone happy!Dark / Mature Give me a story with gritty realism, elements of vicious reality, where sometimes bad things happen to good people. The player is impossible to offend with ideas. Bring it.Immersive Play I enjoy taking my character and throwing her into random situations to see how she'll navigate them. At times her introvert personality makes the RP short unpredictable and random can be very rewarding.Story Play On the other hand I also like to run and be a part of greater narratives over long-term arcs. Event-run plots are enjoyable.Consequences are something I recognize. This includes character death as long as it is a two-way street and you let me bury her with an epic finale. Most of Kara's listed scars are results of actual In Character interactions where she suffered an injury.
Combat Style Freeform, with dice used only to determine success/fail. I do not like Grindstone rules where an arbritrary 3-round dice roll determines the outcomeWalkups are greatly appreciated. Tells are used for personal linkshell calls.Open world roleplay is highly appreciated. Houses and apartments are great on occasion but there are a lot of great locations in Eorzea.Limits
Lore-Abiding within the conceptual scope of the game. Minor liberties may be taken as long as they have a strong basis within the metaphysics created in lore. I will not acknowledge or participate in any plots that directly undermine existing limits in the canon. This is my strongest limit.Sex-Driven Stories are not of interest to me. While recognizing that a fully fleshed character has a sexuality and I am an adult I prefer story over smut.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (-5 Hrs GMT)
Mon Limited
Tue Limited
Wed Open (Limited before 6pm)
Thu Open (Limited before 6pm)
Fri Open (Limited before 6pm)
Sat None
Sun Open
Real Life always takes priority over a video game. In fact my personal priority is
Health > Husband > Work > Family > Me Time > Role-play
Out of courtesy and respect I will try to always notify in advance if I cannot make a scheduled appointment but if you are of the nature where you are easily upset by shifting plans and inconsistent play-times I am not the RP partner for you.